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Handgun Selection Tips:
The type of handgun to be selected should be based upon a number of factors, including the intended use for this pistol/revolver (target shooting, hunting, personal protection, etc.), the cost of the handgun and its ammunition, the amount of recoil, and the ease of handling.
Final Checklist
1. Determine the intended use of the handgun.
- Will it have a single or multi-purpose use?
- Will it be used for competitive shooting, hunting, and/or personal protection?
- If it is for carry, how will you carry?
- Should it have fixed or adjustable sights?
- What will be the best caliber and barrel length for the intended use?
2. Decide how much money to spend. While it may be necessary to stay within a budget, don't economize quality.
3. Consider the ammunition.- Is the ammunition for the handgun easily available?
- How much shooting will be done?
- How much does the ammunition cost?
4. Study the various makes and models of handguns.
5. Seek the advice of a knowledgeable person, preferably whom you trust.
6. Be sure that the handgun fits the hand properly. Be able to obtain a correct grip on the handgun and be sure that the index finger can easily reach the trigger. Proper handgun fit is very important. Make doubly sure the gun is unloaded, point it in a safe direction and then do the following:- Hold the gun in the non-firing hand.
- Place the trigger finger of your firing hand on the trigger, locating the distal pad or distal joint on the trigger face as you would when firing.
- Roll your hand back from the trigger and grip the gun ensuring the web is high on the backstrap.
- If the muzzle is in line with the bones of the forearm with your finger at its proper location on the trigger, the gun is a fit.
If the gun's backstrap cannot be centered in the web of your hand, midway between thumb and forefinger joints, while the crease of your trigger finger is on the trigger, then the gun is too big for you.
If your hand has a lot of extra slack, with your trigger finger curving far out from the side of the gun (so that you would be able to put a large portion of your trigger finger through the trigger guard), then the gun is small for your hand. Note that the small gun still lines up well with the forearm bones.
7. Consider the handgun's simplicity of operation and ease of cleaning.
8. Obtain information about the handgun's manufacturer.- Are parts and service readily available?
- Is it likely that parts and service will be available in the future?
9. Does the handgun model have a record of trouble-free dependability?
10. Does the handgun have a warranty or guarantee? Review these documents.
11. Once you have your selection of potential handguns down to a few that meet all of your purchase criteria, go to a range that rents all or most of these handguns and try each one until you've found the one that is right for you.Note: If you have the opportunity to attend a handgun match in your area, this is an ideal time to get a lot of free information about the handguns you are considering and maybe the owner will allow you to test fire it.
The most important thing is to find a handgun you are comfortable with (this includes the fit). If you are not comfortable and/or don't like it, you won't shoot it for practice. No practice = not proficient. Not proficient and there will not be a need to have one.
12. Purchase the handgun from a reputable person or dealer. If you are Active Duty Military, Retired or Reserve Military, or National Guard, contact us for a special purchasing consideration for which you may not be aware.
You are probably looking at the list above and thinking, wow, this is a lot of stuff. It is, but it isn’t. So many people just go and buy a pretty handgun or one that could handle any situation, to include a bear; these are things that should not be part of your consideration. The list above will drive what you need (not want).
Holster Selection Tips:
No matter what handgun you choose for concealed carry, it will be completely useless if it's sitting at home because it is uncomfortable to carry. Having the right holster to carry your handgun securely and comfortably is just as important as choosing the right handgun to begin with. There are several types of holsters for concealed carry and each has its own particular pro's & con's:
Outside the Waistband (OWB)
- For concealed carry, it requires a cover garment like a vest, jacket, or untucked shirt and is easier to "print"
- Attaches to belt and rides outside of your pants
- Worn just behind or just in front of the point of the hip
- Still allows for fast access to handgun
- Draw stroke requires sweeping the garment out of the way
Inside the Waistband (IWB)
- For deeper concealed carry than OWB and allows more flexibility in attire; less likely to "print"
- Rides inside the waistband of your pants & requires pants a size or two larger
- Worn just behind or just in front of the point of the hip
- Some are "tuckable", allowing you tuck a shirt over the holster into your pants
- Still allows for fast access to handgun, but will be slowed if shirt is tucked
- Also works great with cover garment like a vest, jacket, or untucked shirt
Shoulder Holster
- For concealed carry worn over both shoulders as a harness
- Easily holds both handgun and additional magazines
- Requires a cover garment like a jacket, suit coat, or blazer for concealment
- Does not dig into your hip or side while seated for extended periods
- Requires "cross draw" stroke - this means you will muzzle everything from draw to target acquisition, including your own arm
- This holster is ONLY recommended if you spend a lot of time in your vehicle
FrogLube Directions For Use:
The following procedure should help you reduce your maintenance time and frequency intervals to insure the full, long-lasting performance of your weapon. You should use standard weapons cleaning tools such as nylon brushes, bore patches and brushes, Q-tips, bore snakes and cloths. Since FrogLube is 100% biodegradable, you can select a premium grade cloth which you may launder in a washer and dryer. FrogLube recommends laundering separately. When used in accordance with these instructions, FrogLube delivers a slick and slippery finish that shoots dry, wicks to the surface when warmed and dissolves carbon on contact. Note: If you have any concerns about using FrogLube products, try a small amount in a non-descript area of your firearm to confirm compatibility.
- Your new weapon is likely factory-treated with a lubricant or protectant of a petro-chemical substance or you may have used a petrochemical or other substances on your weapon.
- For your first application; for best performance, it is preferred to remove any petroleum fouling or residue from your weapon using FrogLube Solvent™ or equivalent prior to applying FrogLube. (If pre-cleaning is not practical or desired, FrogLube will penetrate and eventually dissolve corrosive petrochemical present on the weapon.)
- It's best to clean ALL surfaces with FrogLube cleaning products - FrogLube cleaners do not leave a residue.
NOTE: You should discontinue the use of petrochemical-based cleaners and lubricants since they negate the optimal effects of a FrogLube-treated weapon.
- Remove ‘heavy’ grease or stubborn fouling with nylon brush and/or shop towels.
- Apply generous amount of FrogLube Solvent using brush, towels or spray applicator.
- Allow 1-3 min. to activate full cleaning action.
- Agitate/scrub surface with nylon brush, towel or cleaning tool. You may notice a slight foaming on surface.
- Wipe off with microfiber towel, patches or paper towels to remove all moisture. Note: If you prefer, you may use compressed air to blow off excess until dry.
Heat. Solvent is non-flammable and may be used in conjunction with a heated ultrasonic or cleaning tank. Check with manufacturers instructions for compatibility and user instructions. Test cleaning performance at 6 min. intervals.
Surface should now be clean, dry and ready for lube/protectant application.
- Pre-clean using above procedure with FrogLube Solvent™.
- For best results, apply heat to area to be treated. Heat from a heat lamp, heat blower or ambient sunlight is more than sufficient.
- Apply FrogLube and allow time to absorb. (heat quickens the rate of absorption)
- Scrub, agitate, and wipe off excess. Normal cleaning tools such as nylon brushes, patches, wipes and towels are sufficient.
- Lubricate to preference. FrogLube will work dry or wet. Note: In hot/dusty or extreme cold, follow manufacturers directions for use in extreme environmental conditions
- If storing, apply a light coat for long term protection.
LONG TERM CAREHeat. Although not required, you will find that 15 min of direct sunlight or equivalent allows for thorough application of FrogLube. When the surface is warmed, the rate of FrogLube absorption is increased.
The FrogLube System Approach: The combination of the Solvent and the CLP will provide the best result. The two products were designed to integrate and provide the optimal performance from your firearm.Harsh exposures. For more demanding conditions, such as salt water, humidity or long-term storage, we recommend a light to moderate coat of FrogLube on parts. Product is applied slightly more generously, and you should still see the metal surface through a gloss or thin film of the material.
SUBSEQUENT CLEANING AND RE-APPLICATIONFrogLube testing has demonstrated unmatched reliability through thousands of rounds of firing without cleaning; however, most manufacturers will recommend inspecting and cleaning after every use.
- If you get 'build-up' due to lack of cleaning, and you sustain sluggish performance, do a field strip and a generous application of FrogLube Solvent to all parts and spaces. You will find amazing cleaning results and this should normally return the firearm to peak operating performance.
- After long term storage, you should do a field strip, clean and inspect. Reapply the CLP to preference.