What people are saying....
USCCA Concealed Carry Class
Jack A. of Flathead Co, MT
Firearms Training Junkie
I’m a training junkie who’s gotten to take firearms, tactics, and medical classes with over a dozen classes. Will Parker’s concealed carry class stands out as an excellent education on the moral, mental, legal, and physical challenges of concealed carrying. Will’s class is easily the most comprehensive concealed carry class I’ve taken or heard of that cost less than $500, and the $500 class didn’t come close to the legal information Will provides.
My training experiences
I’ve had the privilege to train under Rangers, Marines, Canadian Airborne, a SEAL, and several enthusiastic civilians like myself. I’ve eaten power-point presentations in a bowl without milk, learned land navigation in 20 below weather (might have been 20 below in Kelvin), fired a thousand rounds a day and loved every second. Among my experiences, I heartily recommend Will’s concealed carry class to students of every level, including level 0. Will’s class comprehensively addresses:- A defensive and aware mindset
- Legal preparation, challenges, and consequences
- Morality and ethics of concealed carrying
- Concealed carry shooting skillset
- Concealed carry gear
Well suited to couples and women.
Will’s class stands out as a welcoming experience for women and couples. The humor is clean, the tactics are applicable to a wide range of strength and body-types, and the expectations adjust to the individual. If you think women and men look for the exact same thing in a firearm class, then fret not, Will’s class is great for men as well.
Instructor who is also a student
Of the many instructors I’ve learned from, the best are the ones who seek out training themselves. As anyone who has become an expert will tell you, the learning is never finished and there’s always someone who knows something useful that you don’t. Since Will relentlessly pursues his own training, you can rest assured that what he teaches has been vetted and verified by top caliber instructors. Teachers who seek out their own training are relatively rare. So far, I’ve only had one other company that pursues continuing education and recommends other training experiences outside their own company to students.
Personal coaching
Will’s is the only class I’ve taken that includes an hour of range time with personal instruction. This is a monetary sacrifice Will makes to ensure each student receives the exact instruction they need (economies of scale are real). Even among beginners, the skillsets needed to be safe, effective, and efficient can vary wildly. 1-on-1 training is the only method to ensure students are not left behind, or held back. For conscientious students, a 1-on-1 environment allows a person to safely focus on themselves rather than be distracted by what other students are doing or thinking.
Class value
Will’s class is the most value per dollar I’ve seen, and by a lot. Firearms training can carry a daunting price tag, but Will’s $150 class is criminally underpriced. In my estimation, an equivalent experience would cost $400-$600. Will’s class is affordable enough to be taken by couples, by parents and children, and even given out as a Christmas gift to the gun owner, or perspective gun owner in your life, I guarantee they’ll like it more than $150 worth of socks and underwear, even the nice silk kind.H. B. W. of Bigfork, MT
Retired USA Special Forces
Will is passionate about training! I took the USCCA Conceal Carry class even though I have had a CCW for over 20 years. This is not a quick scan of the Laws, but an in-depth class concerning the legal responsibilities of conceal carry and most importantly, the aftermath of a self-defensive shooting. Will’s private range provides a safe environment for one on one personalized training. It can be tailored to fit your individual needs over a wide variety of target options, ranging from IPDA silhouettes, to steel. Will hosts world class shooters for group instruction at his facility. The Andrew Branca, “Law of Self Defense”, has been hosted there several years in a row and will be taught there again in May 2018. This class is a MUST HAVE course if you carry a firearm for self-defense! The training I do with Will is not about competition, but specifically about self-defense with a firearm. I’m a retired US Army Special Forces soldier, and a retired Captain with the Jacksonville Fire Rescue Department. Regardless of former military/ first responder training, I’m always trying to improve.
Anne of Bigfork, MT
I wish every woman I know would take this class. The information Will shares is essential in today's world. And his passion & knowledge of the subject make for a fun day.
Philip G. of Condon, MT
I met Will at the Bigfork Defensive pistol shoots held each month during the spring and fall. I have seen him teach those in attendance, who needed the training, including me, with absolute, total confidence in what he was teaching and then demonstrate what he was teaching. I have graduated from three police academies, all of which had at least a week of firearms training on a shooting range. Will's training is as good as it gets. I doubt there is a better firearms trainer in the country.
Steve A. of Anaconda, MT
I drove from Anaconda to Kila to take this class. The material taught was invaluable. I walked away at the end of the day with a whole new perspective. It is simply the best investment I have ever made as a gun owner. Every gun enthusiast should enroll in Wills Defensive shooting class. Will teaches with passion and is a great instructor. This course is for the beginner as well the experienced gun owner. This class is definitely a 5 star class and Will Parker and Doug Coates are 5 star instructors....
Garrett N. of Columbia Falls, MT
I have spent several hundred hours in various firearms training and have to say that I was very impressed with the Concealed Carry class I took with Will. Very well presented and very knowledgeable about the subject. Lots of great information and so much more than the other "here is what you need to know to pass the test" classes out there. Will is a great instructor and is there to help anyone from beginner to experienced.
Marni K. of Columbia Falls, MT
I took Will's concealed weapons class-wow! Having grown up around guns (mostly hunting rifles) and carrying a revolver when hiking non-concealed...I wasn't sure what to expect when I signed up to take the class. Will was incredibly knowledgeable about guns, legislation regarding self defense, and defensive shooting techniques. Will was patient and elaborated well when asked questions by class members. This class is for people of all ability levels. In my opinion, everyone should take this class. I can't wait to go out to Will's range and learn to shoot correctly with one on one training. This class is worth every penny. Will also treated every gun as if it were loaded at every moment. Gun basics 101.
Doug P. of Kila, MT
U.S. Army Retired
Regardless of whether you're experienced in defensive shooting and concealed carry or it's all new to you, Will can get you from where you are to where you want to be. An engaging classroom instructor and effective range coach, Will has the experience and the ability to help you become the best with your firearm that you can be, all the while ingraining a safety mindset and ensuring that you understand the legal and ethical ramifications of concealed carry and defensive shooting.
Ian L. of Whitefish, MT
Firearms Instructor
To anyone thinking about attending the concealed carry class:
Me and my fiance both recently attended this class and LOVED IT. While both of us are proficient shooters, we appreciated how thorough the class was for beginners, and how it progressed into advanced concealed weapon training and escalation of force.
What really wowed us was how this training focused on the most neglected aspects of carrying a concealed weapon and what can't easily be learned on the square range. Specifically, combat mindset for CCW and the legalities and aftermath of a shooting.
So whether you are a new shooter or a seasoned vet, THIS CLASS IS FOR YOU!
It's my opinion that if you carry, you owe it to your friends, family, and loved ones to make sure that you have the utmost competency in handling and applying the use of a firearm in a self defense situation. The best way to attain that competency is to train. And I can assure you, your money is well spent on this training.Kyle B. of Grand Haven, MI
Former LEO
I was fortunate enough to take the Concealed Carry course here in Michigan while Mr. Parker was here. The class was very in depth and engaging. Even with my background and prior classes taken, I still was presented with information that was still new or spun a different way to me. Definitely recommend! Quality instructor and course.
Lee S. of Somers, MT
Anyone in the Flathead Valley -- or anywhere in Montana -- who is looking for some good defensive pistol training cannot do any better than Will and Dan. My sister and I took the USCCA class from them May 16, and, as someone who has taken dozens of classes during the past 40 years, including classes taught by top USPSA competitors, I can honestly say I have never taken a class any better than the one Will and Dan teach.
Carol S. of Whitefish, MT
I took the three day version at Sportsman in July. I had previously taken a pistol class at FVCC and got the basics-which was my first exposure to guns. This conceal carry class added a lot of dimension to it. Learning about what to do after using my weapon was something I had not been exposed to before. There was so much new material to me that dividing it into three days did help. The time Will spent with me on the pistol range helped me immensely. I am left eye dominant and right hand dominant that makes accuracy a problem for me. Will worked with me until I had a couple of options available to me that I had not considered before-ie firing with my left hand, tilting the tilting the gun so my dominant eye could line up the three sights. I still have some practicing to do. But I have options now to work with. I would urge everyone to take this class. Even if you eventually decide a conceal carry is not for you.
Josh W. of Kalispell, MT
U.S. Army Ranger
Will is knowledgable, friendly and very honest. He's not out to make billions he is strictly there to help people get the firearm that is right for them, the training to go with it, and the shooting experience to keep safe, lawful, and active firearms owners up to speed on their products. Won't find a better instructor in my opinion or a better qualified gun salesman!
Mary L. of Whitefish, MT
Great class. Fun and very educational. I came into the class as a novice on guns, home defense and concealed carry requirements. Wills' knowledge and professionalism taught me that there is way more to learn than just shooting a gun. I would highly recommend his class to everyone interested in gun safety and concealed carry requirements.
- Private Lessons
Jenn M. of Creston, MT
Will is an incredible instructor. I had no idea how much there is to really shooting WELL until I decided I really wanted to learn to be a better shooter. The investment I've made in private lessons already shows and I'm looking forward to continuing to work with him. Highly recommend!
Satisfied Customer of Flathead Valley, MT
To All Gun Owners:
In today’s ‘politically charged state’ the responsibilities of gun ownership have never been more under fire… no pun intended. If you own a gun you have a duty, a responsibility to yourself and those around you to receive some form of gun handling training. This training, if with the right instructor, will set you up for success in marksmanship, speed, and safety. I received such training from Will Parker.Prior to my training with Will – I had years of ‘general’ gun experience i.e., hunter safety course, conceal carry course, trips to the gun range, watching friends compete etc. -- Never any ‘formal’ training yet I felt confident in my handling and using a firearm. However, after several short 2 hour classes with Will (And I’m planning many more in the future) I was able to improve my handling speed and accuracy by huge margins.
Will employs a methodology that helps identify and target your specific weaknesses by observation and imparts the correct way to improve them. Will thoroughly explains the physical, mechanical and biological reasons behind his recommendations. His instruction in short order improved my performance in; gun handling, trigger control, stance while still and moving, target transition and many other subtle details that accompany safety, accuracy and speed. Furthermore, Will is the only firearms instructor I have ever met who can consistently perform the actions and skills he himself teaches.
After training with Will I recently attended a major firearms school and took a ‘handgun’ class with around 30 other students. I graduated with ease using Wills techniques and advice. At the end of the class during a head to head competition I was able to come out first overall even though many of my class mates were quite experienced and skilled. Will’s instruction had much to do with this outcome.
If you value your time and money, want to insure the safety of those around you and want to improve your speed and accuracy… I recommend you receive that training from Will Parker. You will be hard pressed to find an instructor that is more efficient at effectively relating information and has the same level of background and experience.
- USCCA Instructor Certification Course
Darla S. of Spokane, WA
Firearms Instructor
I am a women firearm instructor and chapter leader for Spokane The Well Armed Women group. Recently I attended a instructor course with Will and was so impressed with his passion for what he teaches. He really makes safety his number one priority, and whether you are a brand new shooter or very experienced, you will improve. His prices are below market for this level of instruction. Again, I highly recommend any of the courses he teaches as well as private instruction opportunity.
Julia H. of Bozeman, MT
Firearms Instructor
I had the privilege of benefiting from a USCCA Instructors Course presented by Will Parker at Freddie Merc's Gun Wercs. Will is a great instructor whose honesty and integrity is obvious. It is an honor to glean from his wisdom. I'd recommend his classes to anyone!
J. R. S. of Bonners Ferry, ID
Firearms Instructor
As an NRA instructor of over 15 years, I was pleasantly surprised to walk away from two days training with Will, with more valuable real-world instruction than I have garnered in the past 20 years. Mr. Parker was able to demonstrate effective methods, and provide timely instruction. I greatly appreciate the efforts and one-on-one methods. All-in-all, I know that I will be returning for future training, and seminars hosted at FMGW.